Supreme Court President Bertan Özerdağ Paid a Return Visit to the President of the Republican Assembly, Zorlu Töre.

President of the Supreme Court Bertan Özerdağ paid a return visit to President of the Republican Assembly Zorlu Töre.

Supreme Court President Bertan Özerdağ stated that the legislature, the executive and the judiciary are the most important institutions of this country and the power that constitutes the state.

Özerdağ stated that the state can be taken further through cooperation, and that they are in dialogue with the legislature and executive.

After the speeches, they exchanged gifts.

Speaking at the reception held in the Republican Assembly's Honor Hall, Töre emphasized that the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches are extremely important and stated that it would be in the interest of the state and society for these institutions to work in mutual cooperation.

Meclisten verilen bilgiye göre, Töre, hak, hukuk, adalet, ciddiyet ve samimiyetin her üç kurumda da sağlanması ve bunun ön plana çıkarılması gerektiğini ifade etti.

Töre stated that although justice and law are referred to as the judiciary, members of parliament also pledge to "adhere to the rule of law" when they take their oath in the Assembly of the Republic.

Töre emphasized that with the people's trust in the state, the foundations of the TRNC will be strengthened and stated that they will work together as the legislature, executive and judiciary.

Töre stated that the President of the Supreme Court has many duties and wished him success in his work.

Previous Ms. Fatma Şenol, who was appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court, took her oath before the President on August 2, 2024, and began her duties

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